Safe Active Street program

The Safe Active Street (SAS) program seeks to create desirable active travel routes on its streets, providing shared space, low speed, and an attractive environment for people of all ages and abilities to ride and walk comfortably. It is a Department of Transport initiative, developed in partnership with local government.
Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road in Shenton Park were identified as a popular cycle route for local residents and school students.
The City of Subiaco received funding from the Department of Transport (DoT) in the 2021-22 financial year to undertake a feasibility study and produce concept designs for a proposed Safe Active Street project on Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road. The feasibility study and concept designing stages have been completed.
Evidence from previous SAS projects throughout Western Australia shows that Safe Active Streets:
- Increase weekday bike riding by 45-83 cyclists per day on all intersections within Safe Active Street zones.
- Increase weekday pedestrian activity by 21-96 pedestrians per day on most intersections within Safe Active Street zones.
- Reduce daily traffic volumes by 100-900 vehicles per day at most intersections of Safe Active Streets.
- Reduce the fastest traffic speeds by 6-9km per hour at most intersections of Safe Active Streets.
For projects updates - please see below.
The Safe Active Street (SAS) program seeks to create desirable active travel routes on its streets, providing shared space, low speed, and an attractive environment for people of all ages and abilities to ride and walk comfortably. It is a Department of Transport initiative, developed in partnership with local government.
Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road in Shenton Park were identified as a popular cycle route for local residents and school students.
The City of Subiaco received funding from the Department of Transport (DoT) in the 2021-22 financial year to undertake a feasibility study and produce concept designs for a proposed Safe Active Street project on Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road. The feasibility study and concept designing stages have been completed.
Evidence from previous SAS projects throughout Western Australia shows that Safe Active Streets:
- Increase weekday bike riding by 45-83 cyclists per day on all intersections within Safe Active Street zones.
- Increase weekday pedestrian activity by 21-96 pedestrians per day on most intersections within Safe Active Street zones.
- Reduce daily traffic volumes by 100-900 vehicles per day at most intersections of Safe Active Streets.
- Reduce the fastest traffic speeds by 6-9km per hour at most intersections of Safe Active Streets.
For projects updates - please see below.
Update - August 2024
Share Update - August 2024 on Facebook Share Update - August 2024 on Twitter Share Update - August 2024 on Linkedin Email Update - August 2024 linkRESCHEDULING OF WORKS - Advice Thursday 22 August
Please see copy of letter here.
Due to inclement weather being expected for the remainder of the week, which will prevent effective delivery of works; the ongoing asphalt works related to the Safe Active Street project has been paused and rescheduled to restart Wednesday 28 August 2024 from 7am to 5pm. It is expected to take approximately three (3) working days to finish the remaining works, subject to favourable weather conditions.
As previous: the works involve installation of raised plateaus with coloured asphalt along Evans Street. This first stage of installation works is on Evans Street between Railway Road and Centre Street, as shown on the reverse side of this letter
Road closures with detours will be in place along the work area to facilitate safe delivery of works. Traffic management will be implemented with accredited traffic controllers directing traffic as required.
While these works are in progress, it is likely that access to the road and properties’ parking will be restricted. We recommend you find alternative parking for your vehicle(s) during this time.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this period. If you have any queries regarding this work, please contact Siga Marundrury on 08 9387 0974 from 8.30am to 3.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Update - May 2024
Share Update - May 2024 on Facebook Share Update - May 2024 on Twitter Share Update - May 2024 on Linkedin Email Update - May 2024 linkThe detailed design for the Evans Street to Keightley Road Safe Active Street was approved by Council on 19 March 2024, and we will soon enter the construction stage for the project. Please see an update below.
Traffic monitoring
Prior to construction work commencing, the City will carry out traffic monitoring along the project route and adjoining roads. This data will be used to understand traffic patterns on surrounding streets after construction of the Safe Active Street is complete. Traffic monitoring is scheduled to commence after the 2024 July school holidays.
Preliminary construction works
Starting in mid-June 2024, preliminary construction work will commence including upgrading the drainage infrastructure and modifying the intersections. While these initial works will have minimal impact on adjacent properties, traffic management measures will be in place to ensure safe flow of traffic.
Detailed construction
The detailed construction work – including the installation of raised plateaus – is planned to commence in October/November 2024. To deliver the project as efficiently as possible while also minimising disruption, construction will be done in four stages:
- Evans Street – Railway Road to Centre Street intersection included
- Excelsior Street – From Evans Street to Keightley Road, both intersections included
- Keightley Road – From Derby Road to Hensman Road, both intersections included
- Keightley Road – From Rosalie Street to the east end of Keightley Road, intersections included.
We anticipate that the preliminary drainage and intersection modification work will take approximately three months to complete, subject to weather conditions.
The remaining works – including the installation of raised plateaus, pram-ramps, signage and line markings – is planned to commence in October/November 2024 and scheduled for completion by April 2025.
The details of each stage, including timelines and the scope of the construction work, will be communicated separately prior to each stage commencing.
Traffic management
During construction traffic management measures will be in place, with traffic controllers directing traffic as necessary. Throughout the project street access and parking may be restricted at certain locations for certain times. While our contractor will make every effort to minimise disruption, you may need to arrange alternative parking for your vehicle(s) during this period. Details will be communicated separately prior to each stage commencing.
Contact information
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this period. If you have any queries or concerns regarding the work, please do not hesitate to contact Engineering Technical Officer, Parshia Queen at 08 9387 0957, available from 8:30am to 3:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Update - March 2024
Share Update - March 2024 on Facebook Share Update - March 2024 on Twitter Share Update - March 2024 on Linkedin Email Update - March 2024 linkThe detailed design for the Evans Street to Keightley Road Safe Active Street project was considered at the City's Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 19 March 2024 and was endorsed. Please see the news article on the City's Website. Link to the agenda, minutes, You Tube recording and the detailed design can be found on the Council meeting section of the City's website.
An extract from Agenda Item C2 (contains images from the detailed design) and the full Evans Street to Keightley Road Safe Active Street detailed design agenda attachment can be found the project document library on this page.
Council meetings are open to the public and begin at 5.30pm in Council Chambers at Level 2, 388 Hay Street, Subiaco. For further information on attending a Council meeting, please visit:
All Council meetings are live-streamed to the public. You can visit the City's YouTube Channel to watch the live-stream.
If Council endorse the detailed design, it will be provided to Main Roads WA and the Department of Transport for approval, and pending approval the project will proceed to construction.
Update - September 2022
Share Update - September 2022 on Facebook Share Update - September 2022 on Twitter Share Update - September 2022 on Linkedin Email Update - September 2022 linkThank you to those who have previously provided feedback and comments to the City regarding this project. The City, along with its appointed design consultants, and the Department of Transport (DoT), has reviewed all community feedback received in the first stage of consultation and developed a concept design for the proposal that aims to achieve the intent of the Safe Active Street while also responding to the surrounding local context appropriately.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 27 September 2022, Council resolved that:
- The Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road Safe Active Street project proceeds to detailed design with a raised plateau for the Evans Street and Fortune Street intersection.
- The detailed design to be presented to Council prior to proceeding with construction.
- Through the detailed design and construction every effort is made to protect and retain the parking amenity for residents.
We will keep this Have Your Say Subiaco page updated as the project progresses.
Safe Active Street in Shenton Park given the green light
Share Safe Active Street in Shenton Park given the green light on Facebook Share Safe Active Street in Shenton Park given the green light on Twitter Share Safe Active Street in Shenton Park given the green light on Linkedin Email Safe Active Street in Shenton Park given the green light linkAt its Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 19 March 2024, Council unanimously endorsed the proposed Safe Active Street detailed design. The Council minutes and You Tube recording can be found on the City's website.
Features include:
- A midblock raised plateau adjacent to Railway Road on Evans Street.
- Another two midblock raised plateaus at 92 and 84 Evans Street have been added before the Fortune Street Evans Street intersection.
- A midblock raised plateau has been added near 37 Evans St to slow down traffic.
- A raised plateau has been added at the Centre Street/Evans Street intersection.
- The intersection of Excelsior Street and Evans Street will have several changes to improve the safety of the intersection.
- Red coloured asphalt has been added on Excelsior Street between Evans and Keightley Road to formalise the parking bays. A midblock treatment has been added adjacent to property number 64 Excelsior Street to slow down traffic.
- An improvement has been added to the intersection of Excelsior Street and Keightley Road to improve access from the northern side.
- Raised plateau at the Keightley Road and Stanmore Street intersection.
- A raised plateau has been added on the Cross Street and Keightley Road.
- A raised plateau has been added on the Arthur Street and Keightley Road intersection to make the treatment consistent.
- The eastern end of the Keightley Road cul-de-sac adjacent to Rokeby Road will be treated with coloured asphalt to highlight the start/terminus of the route from Rokeby Road.
In addition, the intersections at Fortune/Evans, King/Evans, Herbert/Evans, Derby/Keightley, Waverley/Keightley, Austin/Keightley, and right angled bend Hensman/Keightley and Rosalie/Keightley will be treated by raised plateaus.
The detailed design will now be provided to Main Roads W.A. and the Department of Transport for approval.
The City will monitor local traffic (including in the adjacent streets) to identify any unintended changes to traffic flow.
The City would like to thank everyone who took part in the community consultation for this Safe Active Street project, with recognition of the high level of interest and engagement shown by residents in surrounding streets. To see the meeting agenda and detailed design, please visit the document library on this page.
Detailed design - ready for Council consideration
Share Detailed design - ready for Council consideration on Facebook Share Detailed design - ready for Council consideration on Twitter Share Detailed design - ready for Council consideration on Linkedin Email Detailed design - ready for Council consideration linkThe detailed design for the Evans Street to Keightley Road Safe Active Street project will be considered at the City's Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 19 March 2024. Link to the agenda, including the details design can be found on the City's website.
Council meetings are open to the public and begin at 5.30pm in Council Chambers at Level 2, 388 Hay Street, Subiaco. For further information on attending a Council meeting, please visit:
All Council meetings are live-streamed to the public. Please visit the City's YouTube Channel to watch the live-stream.
If Council endorse the detailed design, it will be provided to Main Roads WA and the Department of Transport for approval, and pending approval the project will proceed to construction.
Detailed design stage
Share Detailed design stage on Facebook Share Detailed design stage on Twitter Share Detailed design stage on Linkedin Email Detailed design stage linkAt its Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM) on 27 September 2022, Council provided unanimous approval for the concept design to proceed to the detailed design stage.
A number of changes to the draft concept design were made as a result of the feedback, including:
- The preferred option for the Evans Street and Fortune Street intersection was the raised plateau.
- The removal of red asphalt treatment on Evans Street between Herbert Road and Excelsior Street.
- Additional traffic calming at both the Rosalie Street and Hensman Road filtered intersections with Keightley Road.
- Amendments to the location and number of traffic calming buildouts on Keightley Road.
- Additional linemarking included along the route.
Council considered the concept design at its recent OCM and gave approval for the project to proceed, but asked for the detailed design to be put to Council again prior to construction and also noted that every effort should be made to maintain street parking amenity where possible.
The City will now proceed with the detailed design stage of the project, which will include site surveys and identifying any additional lighting or drainage requirements, for further consideration by Council.
The City would like to thank everyone who has taken part in the community consultation for this project so far.
Report to Council
Share Report to Council on Facebook Share Report to Council on Twitter Share Report to Council on Linkedin Email Report to Council linkThe City values the feedback provided for the proposed Safe Active Street Concept Design during the two consultation stages. Gathering this feedback has been important in informing the final concept design that will be presented to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 27 September 2022.
Council agendas and minutes can be viewed on the City’s website here.
A number of changes to the draft concept design were made as a result of the feedback, which can be summarised as follows:
- Preferred option for the Evans Street and Fortune Street intersection shown as the raised plateau. The Council Report includes the modal filter as an alternative option for Council to consider, however this is not part of the officer recommendation of the report.
- Removal of red asphalt treatment on Evans Street between Herbert Road and Excelsior Street.
- Additional traffic calming at both the Rosalie Street and Hensman Road filtered intersections with Keightley Road.
- Amendments to the location and number of traffic calming buildouts on Keightley Road.
- Additional linemarking included along the route.
Concept design drawing consultation - August 2022
Share Concept design drawing consultation - August 2022 on Facebook Share Concept design drawing consultation - August 2022 on Twitter Share Concept design drawing consultation - August 2022 on Linkedin Email Concept design drawing consultation - August 2022 linkConcept design drawing consultation - August 2022
The City and its appointed consultants have finalised the draft concept design and would once again like your feedback. All feedback received from the first stage of consultation has been considered and informed the development of the concept design drawings. Further information on how the feedback was used can be found in the concept design summary in the document library. Feedback can be provided in the following ways:
In August 2022 the community was invited to review the Safe Active Street Concept design drawings and summary document (in the document library) and submit feedback.
Feedback could be submitted via completing an online survey (closed on 22 August 2022). In addition to the online consultation, there was a series of drop-in sessions available where community members could speak directly with City staff about the project. The sessions were held at the Shenton Park Community Centre (240 Onslow Road, Shenton Park) on:
- Session 1: Thursday 4 August 2022, 4pm - 6pm - Cancelled
- Session 2: Tuesday 9 August 2022, 8am - 10am
- Session 3: Thursday 11 August 2022, 4pm - 6pm
Feedback could also be provided by email to and mail addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Subiaco, PO Box 270, Subiaco WA 6904. Hard copies of the plans and information sheet were also available for viewing at both the 241 Rokeby Road, Subiaco and 19 Bishop Street, Jolimont offices.
Once feedback has been reviewed and any final changes to the concept design made, the City will seek Council approval before allocating funding for detailed design and future construction.
The consultation period will remain open until 9am on Monday 22 August 2022.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of the proposed project, please contact David Carter, Senior Technical Officer - Transport,at or on 08 9387 0912.
Thanks for all your feedback
Share Thanks for all your feedback on Facebook Share Thanks for all your feedback on Twitter Share Thanks for all your feedback on Linkedin Email Thanks for all your feedback linkThe City of Subiaco is pleased with the high level of public response and engagement with the Safe Active Street program for Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road in Shenton Park.
More than one hundred submissions have already been received.
As background, the City’s Bike Plan was endorsed by Council in February 2021. This plan is a very high level document that includes an action to investigate a Safe Active Street and the City has just commenced this process for Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road. The City is conscious that all changes to the road network have impacts, hence the City has commenced this consultation process to start to assess and narrow down what may be the best options for Council consideration. Community consultation early in a process helps to get valuable feedback from our community who are using the transport network every day. Whilst the City can deploy traffic counts and traffic modelling assessments, community feedback provides a much richer source of the current issues.
The City has not determined any preferred solution, so feedback is essential. The consultation process to evaluate options is an essential step in the process, and your valuable feedback along the journey will inform our elected members for their decision making role, at the very end of the process. With the information gathered, Council can choose to proceed with a particular option, not proceed or seek further information.
However, the City wishes to make clear that there is no Council decision or budget allocation to construct a Safe Active Street for Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road at this time.
The present consultation is high level to gauge what design concepts may be preferred by residents if such a scheme did progress in the future.
While the period for this initial consultation stage officially closes today (11 February), the City will continue to accept any additional feedback on the Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road Safe Active Street project until Friday 25 February 2022. The City would also appreciate feedback on any other traffic related concerns you may have, to help inform the concept design process. Enquiries can be made via email at, or via phone on 9237 9222.
A meeting date will also be arranged with concerned residents in the near future to discuss the project and any further concerns that they may have.
Project contact information
Engineering Technical Officer - Available from 8:30am to 3:30pm, Monday to Friday
City of Subiaco
Phone 08 9387 0957 Email
Project Life Cycle
Project initiation
Safe Active Street program has finished this stageIn the 2021-22 financial year the City received funding from the Department of Transport to undertake a feasibility study for a safe active street (SAS) in Shenton Park.
Consultation - Stage 1
Safe Active Street program has finished this stageFeedback was sought on the design option ideas resulting from the feasibility study. Consultation closed on 11 February 2022.
Feedback review
Safe Active Street program has finished this stageAll feedback gathered collated into a report to inform the direction of the concept design.
Consultation - Stage 2
Safe Active Street program has finished this stageFeedback was sought on the draft concept plan. Consultation closed on 22 August 2022.
Concept design
Safe Active Street program has finished this stageThe concept design and a summary of all feedback was presented at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 27 September 2022, to seek approval to proceed to the detailed design and construction stages of the project.
Detailed design stage
Safe Active Street program has finished this stageThe City will now proceed with the detailed design stage of the project, which will include site surveys and identifying any additional lighting or drainage requirements. This will then be presented for further consideration by Council.
Consideration of detailed design
Safe Active Street program has finished this stageThe detailed design for the Evans Street to Keightley Road Safe Active Street project was considered at the City's Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 19 March 2024. Link to the agenda, including the details design can be found on the City's website.
Endorsement of detailed design
Safe Active Street program has finished this stageAt its Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 19 March 2024, Council unanimously endorsed the proposed Safe Active Street detailed design. The detailed design was then provided to Main Roads W.A. and the Department of Transport for approval.
Traffic monitoring and construction
Safe Active Street program is currently at this stageTraffic monitoring is scheduled to commence on Wednesday 5 June 2024. Preliminary drainage and intersection modification work will commence in mid-June 2024.
Project Document Library
Safe Active Street - detailed construction design (12.5 MB) (pdf)
Extract - Item C2 - Agenda Ordinary Council Meeting 19 March 2024 - Officer Report: Evans Street to Keightley Road Safe Active Street (935 KB) (pdf)
Attachments - Item C2 - Agenda Ordinary Council Meeting - 19 March 2024 - Evans Street to Keightley Road Safe Active Street detailed design (4.16 MB) (pdf)
Evans Keightley SAS - Concept Design for consultation3.pdf (17.1 MB) (pdf)
Evans Keightley SAS - Concept design summary (690 KB) (pdf)
Bike Plan 2021-2025 (8.97 MB) (PDF)
Letter - SAS Keightley Evans - Asphalt Works - Railway Road.docx (3.07 MB) (docx)
- What is a Safe Active Street (SAS)?
- Why was this route selected?
- How will the Safe Active Street benefit cyclists, pedestrians and other road users?
- How will the speed limit be reduced to 30km/h?
- Have Safe Active Streets been effective in other locations?
- Will my driveway or verge be affected?
- Will street trees be affected?
- Will street parking be affected?
- Will the road width be narrowed?
- Will lighting and drainage be considered as part of the works?
- Will works impact on Lake Jualbup?
- How will this project impact surrounding streets?
- What will happen after consultation?