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The Safe Active Street (SAS) program seeks to create desirable active travel routes on its streets, providing shared space, low speed, and an attractive environment for people of all ages and abilities to ride and walk comfortably. It is a Department of Transport initiative, developed in partnership with local government.
Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road in Shenton Park were identified as a popular cycle route for local residents and school students.
The City of Subiaco received funding from the Department of Transport (DoT) in the 2021-22 financial year to undertake a feasibility study and produce concept designs for a proposed Safe Active Street project on Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road. The feasibility study and concept designing stages have been completed.
Evidence from previous SAS projects throughout Western Australia shows that Safe Active Streets:
Increase weekday bike riding by 45-83 cyclists per day on all intersections within Safe Active Street zones.
Increase weekday pedestrian activity by 21-96 pedestrians per day on most intersections within Safe Active Street zones.
Reduce daily traffic volumes by 100-900 vehicles per day at most intersections of Safe Active Streets.
Reduce the fastest traffic speeds by 6-9km per hour at most intersections of Safe Active Streets.
For projects updates - please see below.
The Safe Active Street (SAS) program seeks to create desirable active travel routes on its streets, providing shared space, low speed, and an attractive environment for people of all ages and abilities to ride and walk comfortably. It is a Department of Transport initiative, developed in partnership with local government.
Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road in Shenton Park were identified as a popular cycle route for local residents and school students.
The City of Subiaco received funding from the Department of Transport (DoT) in the 2021-22 financial year to undertake a feasibility study and produce concept designs for a proposed Safe Active Street project on Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road. The feasibility study and concept designing stages have been completed.
Evidence from previous SAS projects throughout Western Australia shows that Safe Active Streets:
Increase weekday bike riding by 45-83 cyclists per day on all intersections within Safe Active Street zones.
Increase weekday pedestrian activity by 21-96 pedestrians per day on most intersections within Safe Active Street zones.
Reduce daily traffic volumes by 100-900 vehicles per day at most intersections of Safe Active Streets.
Reduce the fastest traffic speeds by 6-9km per hour at most intersections of Safe Active Streets.
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Safe Active Street program has finished this stage
In the 2021-22 financial year the City received funding from the Department of Transport to undertake a feasibility study for a safe active street (SAS) in Shenton Park.
Consultation - Stage 1
Safe Active Street program has finished this stage
Feedback was sought on the design option ideas resulting from the feasibility study. Consultation closed on 11 February 2022.
Feedback review
Safe Active Street program has finished this stage
All feedback gathered collated into a report to inform the direction of the concept design.
Consultation - Stage 2
Safe Active Street program has finished this stage
Feedback was sought on the draft concept plan. Consultation closed on 22 August 2022.
Concept design
Safe Active Street program has finished this stage
The concept design and a summary of all feedback was presented at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 27 September 2022, to seek approval to proceed to the detailed design and construction stages of the project.
Detailed design stage
Safe Active Street program has finished this stage
The City will now proceed with the detailed design stage of the project, which will include site surveys and identifying any additional lighting or drainage requirements. This will then be presented for further consideration by Council.
Consideration of detailed design
Safe Active Street program has finished this stage
The detailed design for the Evans Street to Keightley Road Safe Active Street project was considered at the City's Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 19 March 2024. Link to the agenda, including the details design can be found on the City's website.
Endorsement of detailed design
Safe Active Street program has finished this stage
At its Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 19 March 2024, Council unanimouslyendorsed the proposed Safe Active Street detailed design.The detailed design was then provided to Main Roads W.A. and the Department of Transport for approval.
Traffic monitoring and construction
Safe Active Street program is currently at this stage
Traffic monitoring is scheduled to commence on Wednesday 5 June 2024. Preliminary drainage and intersection modification work will commence in mid-June 2024.