Safe Active Street in Shenton Park given the green light
At its Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 19 March 2024, Council unanimously endorsed the proposed Safe Active Street detailed design. The Council minutes and You Tube recording can be found on the City's website.
Features include:
- A midblock raised plateau adjacent to Railway Road on Evans Street.
- Another two midblock raised plateaus at 92 and 84 Evans Street have been added before the Fortune Street Evans Street intersection.
- A midblock raised plateau has been added near 37 Evans St to slow down traffic.
- A raised plateau has been added at the Centre Street/Evans Street intersection.
- The intersection of Excelsior Street and Evans Street will have several changes to improve the safety of the intersection.
- Red coloured asphalt has been added on Excelsior Street between Evans and Keightley Road to formalise the parking bays. A midblock treatment has been added adjacent to property number 64 Excelsior Street to slow down traffic.
- An improvement has been added to the intersection of Excelsior Street and Keightley Road to improve access from the northern side.
- Raised plateau at the Keightley Road and Stanmore Street intersection.
- A raised plateau has been added on the Cross Street and Keightley Road.
- A raised plateau has been added on the Arthur Street and Keightley Road intersection to make the treatment consistent.
- The eastern end of the Keightley Road cul-de-sac adjacent to Rokeby Road will be treated with coloured asphalt to highlight the start/terminus of the route from Rokeby Road.
In addition, the intersections at Fortune/Evans, King/Evans, Herbert/Evans, Derby/Keightley, Waverley/Keightley, Austin/Keightley, and right angled bend Hensman/Keightley and Rosalie/Keightley will be treated by raised plateaus.
The detailed design will now be provided to Main Roads W.A. and the Department of Transport for approval.
The City will monitor local traffic (including in the adjacent streets) to identify any unintended changes to traffic flow.
The City would like to thank everyone who took part in the community consultation for this Safe Active Street project, with recognition of the high level of interest and engagement shown by residents in surrounding streets. To see the meeting agenda and detailed design, please visit the document library on this page.