Update - March 2024
The detailed design for the Evans Street to Keightley Road Safe Active Street project was considered at the City's Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 19 March 2024 and was endorsed. Please see the news article on the City's Website. Link to the agenda, minutes, You Tube recording and the detailed design can be found on the Council meeting section of the City's website.
An extract from Agenda Item C2 (contains images from the detailed design) and the full Evans Street to Keightley Road Safe Active Street detailed design agenda attachment can be found the project document library on this page.
Council meetings are open to the public and begin at 5.30pm in Council Chambers at Level 2, 388 Hay Street, Subiaco. For further information on attending a Council meeting, please visit: www.subiaco.wa.gov.au/your-council/council-business.
All Council meetings are live-streamed to the public. You can visit the City's YouTube Channel to watch the live-stream.
If Council endorse the detailed design, it will be provided to Main Roads WA and the Department of Transport for approval, and pending approval the project will proceed to construction.