Concept design drawing consultation - August 2022
Concept design drawing consultation - August 2022
The City and its appointed consultants have finalised the draft concept design and would once again like your feedback. All feedback received from the first stage of consultation has been considered and informed the development of the concept design drawings. Further information on how the feedback was used can be found in the concept design summary in the document library. Feedback can be provided in the following ways:
In August 2022 the community was invited to review the Safe Active Street Concept design drawings and summary document (in the document library) and submit feedback.
Feedback could be submitted via completing an online survey (closed on 22 August 2022). In addition to the online consultation, there was a series of drop-in sessions available where community members could speak directly with City staff about the project. The sessions were held at the Shenton Park Community Centre (240 Onslow Road, Shenton Park) on:
- Session 1: Thursday 4 August 2022, 4pm - 6pm - Cancelled
- Session 2: Tuesday 9 August 2022, 8am - 10am
- Session 3: Thursday 11 August 2022, 4pm - 6pm
Feedback could also be provided by email to and mail addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Subiaco, PO Box 270, Subiaco WA 6904. Hard copies of the plans and information sheet were also available for viewing at both the 241 Rokeby Road, Subiaco and 19 Bishop Street, Jolimont offices.
Once feedback has been reviewed and any final changes to the concept design made, the City will seek Council approval before allocating funding for detailed design and future construction.
The consultation period will remain open until 9am on Monday 22 August 2022.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of the proposed project, please contact David Carter, Senior Technical Officer - Transport,at or on 08 9387 0912.