Thanks for all your feedback
The City of Subiaco is pleased with the high level of public response and engagement with the Safe Active Street program for Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road in Shenton Park.
More than one hundred submissions have already been received.
As background, the City’s Bike Plan was endorsed by Council in February 2021. This plan is a very high level document that includes an action to investigate a Safe Active Street and the City has just commenced this process for Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road. The City is conscious that all changes to the road network have impacts, hence the City has commenced this consultation process to start to assess and narrow down what may be the best options for Council consideration. Community consultation early in a process helps to get valuable feedback from our community who are using the transport network every day. Whilst the City can deploy traffic counts and traffic modelling assessments, community feedback provides a much richer source of the current issues.
The City has not determined any preferred solution, so feedback is essential. The consultation process to evaluate options is an essential step in the process, and your valuable feedback along the journey will inform our elected members for their decision making role, at the very end of the process. With the information gathered, Council can choose to proceed with a particular option, not proceed or seek further information.
However, the City wishes to make clear that there is no Council decision or budget allocation to construct a Safe Active Street for Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road at this time.
The present consultation is high level to gauge what design concepts may be preferred by residents if such a scheme did progress in the future.
While the period for this initial consultation stage officially closes today (11 February), the City will continue to accept any additional feedback on the Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road Safe Active Street project until Friday 25 February 2022. The City would also appreciate feedback on any other traffic related concerns you may have, to help inform the concept design process. Enquiries can be made via email at, or via phone on 9237 9222.
A meeting date will also be arranged with concerned residents in the near future to discuss the project and any further concerns that they may have.