What is an activity centre?

    Activity centres are identified in the State Government’s Central Sub-Regional Planning Framework and State Planning Policy 4.2 Activity Centres (SPP 4.2). Activity centres are mixed use urban areas where there is a concentration of commercial, residential and other land uses. They are multi-functional community focal points where people live, work, shop, meet, and relax. They vary in size and function and are generally well-serviced by transport networks with a focus on public transport, walking and cycling. 

    Activity centres may include land uses such as commercial, retail, food and hospitality, medium and high-density housing, entertainment, tourism, civic/community, higher education, and medical services. 

    Subiaco, along with Claremont, Leederville, and Victoria Park, is a secondary centre within this hierarchy. Secondary centres play a crucial role in providing employment and creating a sense of place through business activity and housing.

    What is an activity centre plan?

    An activity centre plan, now referred to as a precinct structure plan, must be prepared for activity centres classified as secondary centres and above in the State planning framework, such as the Subiaco secondary activity centre. An activity centre plan outlines the following matters to facilitate and guide future development: 

    • land use 
    • density
    • development standards 
    • access arrangements 
    • infrastructure 
    • environmental assets 
    • community facilities. 

    The Subiaco secondary activity centre is shown on the map below. 

    The existing Subiaco Activity Centre Plan (SACP) was endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) in 2017. It does not cover:

    • the area along Hay Street to Thomas Street, which was covered by the draft North Subiaco Structure Plan (NSSP) (note: this was never approved by the State Government)
    • the Subi East Redevelopment area, as it is under the planning control of DevelopmentWA and subject to separate controls under the Subiaco Redevelopment Scheme No. 2.

    The SACP is being reviewed and expanded to apply to draft NSSP area. It will still exclude the Subi East Redevelopment Area, as this will remain under DevelopmentWA’s planning controls.  

    Where does the SACP fit into the Planning Framework?

    The SACP is a planning instrument that guides what type of development may be appropriate in an area.  It does not require a landowner to redevelop their land and does not guarantee any change will happen immediately.

    What is the State Planning Framework?

    The State planning framework includes legislation, policy and statutory processes that guide planning decisions within Western Australia. The State planning framework provides overarching State-wide guidance while the local planning framework provides more detailed guidance for the local area, addressing the specific local context.

    Local planning instruments, such as the SACP, cannot be inconsistent with the State planning framework unless explicitly permitted.

    The diagram below shows the hierarchy of key State planning instruments.

    Why is the SACP being reviewed?

    The Subiaco Activity Centre Plan (SACP) was approved in 2017. Since that time, significant changes have occurred within the precinct that the plan no longer appropriately responds to. 

    The draft North Subiaco Structure Plan (NSSP) was prepared in 2016 for the eastern portion of the activity centre (between Townshend Road and Thomas Streets) but was never approved by the State Government. The review of the SACP will result in a single plan for the activity centre incorporating the NSSP into the SACP but excluding the Subi East Redevelopment Area.   

    How does the plan relate to Local Planning Scheme No.5?

    The SACP is to be read in conjunction with the City of Subiaco Local Planning Scheme No.5 (the Scheme). The Scheme applies broad controls for the entire City of Subiaco. The SACP provides more detailed guidance for the Subiaco Activity Centre. Where any provision of the SACP conflicts with the Scheme, the Scheme prevails.

    How does the SACP relate to the Residential Design Codes (R-Codes)?

    The SACP must be read in conjunction with the relevant volume of the R-Codes for residential development or mixed-use development that includes a residential component.

    The SACP may propose to amend or replace specific aspects of the R-Codes to respond to the local context relevant to the SACP.

    How will the community get the opportunity to contribute to the SACP Review?

    The preparation of the draft amended SACP will be informed by preliminary engagement with stakeholders, including landowners, businesses, and residents. 

    An online survey on Have Your Say Subiaco will capture broad community views about the activity centre.

    Targeted surveys will capture views of landowners, business operators, and residents within the precinct.

    A series of focus group workshops will be held in mid-2024 with landowners and businesses within the SACP area. The focus groups will capture community views and ideas for the area to incorporate them into the proposed amendments. 

    How does the SACP affect me?

    The SACP could affect different people in different ways. This depends on your connection to the Subiaco Activity Centre.

    The SACP will have an impact on what can be developed in the precinct. This includes the height of buildings, their setbacks from boundaries, and the combination of land uses that make up each building.

    The SACP deals with development on private land and won’t result in changes to the public realm (what happens within the road reserve, footpaths, public parks etc). A separate project will consider how streets can be improved within the City of Subiaco in the future.

    What happens once the consultation period closes?

    The City will collate and analyse all community contributions obtained through the preliminary engagement process. These will inform the proposed amendments to the SACP.

    Once a draft amended SACP has been prepared, it will be referred to Council for endorsement for formal advertising. The community will have the opportunity to review the draft amended SACP and provide comment during the advertising period.

    The submissions received during the advertising period will be collated and analysed. Further amendments will be made to address matters raised in submissions. 

    The final draft amended SACP will be referred to Council for a recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). Council is required to recommend whether the draft amended SACP should be approved, not approved, or approved with modifications.

    Once WAPC approval is received, a notice will be published in a local newspaper at which time the amended SACP will become operational.

    How will the SACP respond to heritage buildings and heritage areas within the activity centre?

    The Rokeby Road and Hay Street Heritage Area is located within the Subiaco Activity Centre. The heritage area was recently reviewed, and the findings of the review will inform the SACP review.

    A preliminary heritage survey of the activity centre was undertaken as part of the work on the SACP Review to ensure any places with potential heritage merit are identified. 

    Where any places with heritage merit are identified, these will be considered for inclusion in the Local Heritage Survey. Additionally, some places will be investigated for inclusion on the City’s Heritage List. It should be noted that these are separate processes unrelated to the SACP Review.

    How do I contribute my views to inform the review of the SACP?

    Survey: take part in a survey via the City’s Have Your Say Subiaco (HYSS) online consultation hub at www.haveyoursay.subiaco.wa.gov.au. The survey opens on 10 May and will run online until 5pm 7 June 2024. 

    Map tool: pinpoint a location of an issue or idea you want to raise on the map tool on the City’s HYSS online engagement hub.

    Email: you can provide your feedback on what you’d like to see in the draft amended SACP by emailing the City of Subiaco at city@subiaco.wa.gov.au with ‘Subiaco Activity Centre Plan Review’ in the subject line.

    Mail your feedback to Chief Executive Officer, City of Subiaco, PO Box 270, Subiaco WA 6904.

    What happens next?

    The City is undertaking preliminary engagement with the community and stakeholders to inform the preparation of draft amendments to the SACP. 

    Once prepared, the draft amended SACP will be considered by Council. Should Council endorse the draft document for advertising, the draft amended SACP will be formally advertised for community feedback for at least 42 days. 

    Following the advertising period, the draft document will be reviewed, and modifications and refinements will be made to address matters raised in submissions.

    The final draft amended SACP will be referred to Council for consideration and a recommendation to the WAPC.

    Once WAPC approval is received, a notice will be published in a local newspaper at which time the amended SACP will become operational.

    How will the amended SACP be implemented?

    Once the draft amended SACP is finalised and approved by the WAPC, any development applications received will be assessed against the amended SACP.

    Who can I contact for further information?