Playground renewals

We are updating four of our playgrounds.
Play is an integral part of childhood. The City of Subiaco values facilitating diverse and quality play experiences through our approach to playground provision and maintenance.
Four playgrounds within the City are due to be renewed in the 2023/2024 capital works program. The replacement of the play equipment will be guided by community input, available budget and the City's Playspace Strategy.
The playgrounds to be renewed:
- Hickey Avenue Park, Daglish - complete
- McCallum Avenue Park, Daglish - complete
- Park Street minipark, Subiaco - complete
- Redfern Street (View Street) minipark, Subiaco - complete
- This project is budgeted for 'like for like' replacement where (in most cases) the playground footprint will remain the same.
- These four playgrounds are classified as local playgrounds where visitors are most likely to be people who live within walking or cycling distance (for more information on park hierarchy definitions, please see the project FAQs).
This project has a three part consultation process:
- Stage one - an exploration of how the playgrounds are used and the type of play children enjoy. Closed 2 October 2023.
- Stage two - assessment of design concepts for the four playgrounds and evaluation of preferences. Closed 22 January 2024.
- Stage three - assessment of design concepts and voting for the Park Street playground.
Those taking part in Stage one joined the community group consulted during Stage two and three of the playground renewal process. If you didn't take part in Stage one of this project but want to be part of the group, please contact us here.
Phone | 9237 9222 | (with the subject line Playground renewal) |
We are updating four of our playgrounds.
Play is an integral part of childhood. The City of Subiaco values facilitating diverse and quality play experiences through our approach to playground provision and maintenance.
Four playgrounds within the City are due to be renewed in the 2023/2024 capital works program. The replacement of the play equipment will be guided by community input, available budget and the City's Playspace Strategy.
The playgrounds to be renewed:
- Hickey Avenue Park, Daglish - complete
- McCallum Avenue Park, Daglish - complete
- Park Street minipark, Subiaco - complete
- Redfern Street (View Street) minipark, Subiaco - complete
- This project is budgeted for 'like for like' replacement where (in most cases) the playground footprint will remain the same.
- These four playgrounds are classified as local playgrounds where visitors are most likely to be people who live within walking or cycling distance (for more information on park hierarchy definitions, please see the project FAQs).
This project has a three part consultation process:
- Stage one - an exploration of how the playgrounds are used and the type of play children enjoy. Closed 2 October 2023.
- Stage two - assessment of design concepts for the four playgrounds and evaluation of preferences. Closed 22 January 2024.
- Stage three - assessment of design concepts and voting for the Park Street playground.
Those taking part in Stage one joined the community group consulted during Stage two and three of the playground renewal process. If you didn't take part in Stage one of this project but want to be part of the group, please contact us here.
Phone | 9237 9222 | (with the subject line Playground renewal) |
Playground for Park Street is ready
Share Playground for Park Street is ready on Facebook Share Playground for Park Street is ready on Twitter Share Playground for Park Street is ready on Linkedin Email Playground for Park Street is ready linkThe new playground on Park Street has now opened. Play equipment includes swings, a scramble net, slide and a tunnel.
Consultation found that the predominate demographic who used the playground was 0-5 years olds with ‘climbing’ and ‘swinging’ coming out on top for children’s favourite elements of play.
The playground concept was designed with fun activities in mind while also providing important opportunities for the growth and development of physical and social skills of children.
The existing trees, seat and garden beds have all been retained. -
Park Street playground renovation
Share Park Street playground renovation on Facebook Share Park Street playground renovation on Twitter Share Park Street playground renovation on Linkedin Email Park Street playground renovation linkAs part of the City’s capital works program Park Street Playground will be updated in February 2025. Thanks for your patience.
The playground will be closed for works from 21 February 2025 to 7 March 2025 while removal of the current playground, and installation of the new playground takes place.
The City apologises for any inconvenience caused during the closure and hopes you enjoy the new playground!
For more information, please email or call our Parks and Environment Services Team on 9387 0961.
Project update Park Street playground - August 2024
Share Project update Park Street playground - August 2024 on Facebook Share Project update Park Street playground - August 2024 on Twitter Share Project update Park Street playground - August 2024 on Linkedin Email Project update Park Street playground - August 2024 linkAs part of the City’s Stage One community consultation for the playground renewals (between Friday 1 September and Monday 2 October 2023), we asked a variety of questions relating to the Park Street Park playground.
These responses, detailed below, formed part of the public Request for Tender, where we asked playground companies to provide multiple options which meet the communities requests (within the available budget).
The playground concepts submitted formed the basis of the Stage Two community consultation, where the community voted on their favourite design. This voting was undertaken in January 2024.
As there wasn't a standout preferred option, and the decision was made to request additional funding and postpone the project.
The budget has now been increased by 10%, and new designs sought from playground companies. The final playground design for Park Street Park will be selected based on community feedback and comments received during community consultation. Those who took part in Stage One community consultation joined the community consultation group. If you use Park Street Park and want to be part of the group, please contact us here before 9 September 2024.
Please see below the results from the first two stages of community consultation.
Community consultation – Stage 1 - results October 2023
The demographic that utilises the space the most within the community for 30 minutes to up to 2 hours, are 0-5 year olds.
We asked “What are children’s favourite element of play?” with climbing and swinging tied in first preference and sliding and pretend/ imaginative play a third and fourth standout preference.
We also asked what the children’s preferred play style was. ‘A focus on natural play elements and textures’ ranked first, with ‘Traditional style of playground with metal/plastic/ timber’ as a close second. This information, along with the available budget was included in the Request for Tender.
Community consultation – Stage 2 – results January 2024
Following on from the Tender, four conforming playgrounds were shortlisted, forming the basis for the Stage Two community consultation undertaken in January 2024, along with a comment section.
As part of this Stage Two community consultation, we received the following comments:
- We need to create something so much more interesting and better for the kids of our community
- Disappointing to see no nature elements
- Limited opportunities for child led/ unstructured play
- Please consider a higher spend allowance for park
The results of the Stage Two community consultation are shown below:
- Option 1: 28.8% (15 votes)
- Option 2: 32.7% (17 votes)
- Option 3: 17.2% (9 votes)
- Option 4: 21.2 (11 votes)
Park Street - Option 1 (January 2024 voting)
Park Street - Option 2 (January 2024 voting)Park Street - Option 3 (January voting)Park Street - Option 4 (January voting) -
Project update - May 2024
Share Project update - May 2024 on Facebook Share Project update - May 2024 on Twitter Share Project update - May 2024 on Linkedin Email Project update - May 2024 linkMcCallum Avenue Park playground, Daglish
- Has been awarded to Nature Based Play Pty Ltd.
- Works are anticipated to commence 21 May and be completed before the end of June 2024.
- As part of the Citys consultation process we received considerable feedback from the community requesting the City install an open nature based play style playground at McCallum Avenue Park, similar in style to the newly installed Lake Jualbup minor playground (with varied elements of play). McCallum Park is heavily utilised by smaller children, and as such we worked with the playground designers to create an imaginative style nature play area that would deliver on the original scope and communities requests.
Hickey Avenue Park playground, Daglish
- Has been awarded to Forpark (Option 1 in the January voting - receiving 77.4% of votes).
- Currently scheduled to be installed before the end of the financial year (dependant on weather or any other unforeseen issues).
- Due to such positive feedback received, the playground’s footprint has been rationalised and shuffled down to under the beautiful trees. This will provide the playground with better natural shade, leaving the lovely large open grassed area for the community to utilise for family picnics and any other sporting activities such as a kicking the footy or soccer ball, etc
Redfern Street minipark playground, Subiaco (also known as View Street pocket park)
- Has been awarded to Forpark (Option 1 in the January voting - receiving 81.6% of votes)
- Currently scheduled to be installed before the end of the financial year (dependant on weather or any other unforeseen issues).
- The new playground design selected was the community favourite and will have the same footprint as the existing playground and offer new and exciting play elements to suit differing developmental stages. The play area will still be nestled under the beautiful trees for natural shade.
Park Street minipark playground, Subiaco – carried forward
The decision has been made to carry forward the Park Street Playground project into the new financial year and seek additional funding from Council in order to deliver on the initial scope of a “new unique playground with varied/best practice play experiences” on behalf of our community. The final playground design for Park Street Park will be selected based on community feedback and comments received during community consultation, and will be constructed in the new financial year. We would like to thank the community and playground designers for their feedback and time, and we look forward to delivering a new and exciting playground for Park Street, Subiaco in the very near future.
Thanks again to those who took part in this process. For further information or queries, please contact the City’s Parks and Environment Department - Coordinator Park Development on 9237 9222 or via email on
Stage 1 results and feedback
Share Stage 1 results and feedback on Facebook Share Stage 1 results and feedback on Twitter Share Stage 1 results and feedback on Linkedin Email Stage 1 results and feedback linkThe Stage 1 survey for the renewal of the Hickey Avenue, McCallum Avenue, Park Street and Redfern Street playgrounds was open between Friday 1 September 2023 and Monday 2 October 2023. Thank you to those who took part in the survey, we received 87 responses. The Parks and Environment team have captured their responses to the comments received during consultation. This can be read in the project document library (link).
Respondents preferred activities:
The information collated was included in a Request For Tender (RFT) for the design, supply and install of all four playgrounds, which closed on 20 November 2023. Each park will vary in play equipment to suit different developmental stages for children ranging from 1 to 12 years of age that encourage age-appropriate exploration and skill development.
During the Stage 2 community consultation (coming soon), the Stage 1 participants will be invited to vote on their favourite design for each playground.
This process is guided by community, available budget and the City's Playspace Strategy (2013).
Stage one - community wide consultation
Playground renewals has finished this stageBetween Friday 1 September and Monday 2 October 2023 we sought information on playground use and the types of play you value.
Under review
Playground renewals has finished this stageCommunity input provided in Stage one consultation will be used by playground suppliers to inform their design options.
Stage two consultation
Playground renewals has finished this stageThose who took part in Stage one were invited to view the design concepts prepared for the spaces and provide their feedback and preferences. Voting closed 22 January 2024.
Consultation outcome
Playground renewals has finished this stageThe outcomes of Stage two consultation were assessed and used to select playgrounds.
Playground upgrades
Playground renewals is currently at this stagePlayground supply and installation has been undertaken for McCallum Avenue, Hickey Avenue, Redfern Street and Park Street mini park.
McCallum Avenue playground concept
Park location map
Use this map (link will open Intramaps) to see the locations of the four playgrounds. The green sections show all the parks within City of Subiaco and the ones highlighted in red are the four playgrounds to be renewed.
- What is the park hierarchy?
- How does this consultation process work?
- What type of equipment will be installed?
- I did not take part in Stage one consultation but still want to have my say
- I am affiliated with a playground equipment company, can I take part?
- When can I use the new playgrounds?
- How can I ask questions about the project?
Document library
For more information
Coordinator Parks Development
Phone 9387 0942 Email