SubiPOP Public Realm Upgrade

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Comment on the concepts for the SubiPOP Public Realm upgrade

At the City of Subiaco we encourage community involvement to help inform our decision making and part of that is providing feedback on projects that we implement.

Early last year we invited you to consult in the design development of a SubiPOP Public Realm Upgrade in Postal Walk. We are pleased to announce that we have now completed the construction of the final design.

This is the first of three public realms which have been identified for upgrade as part of SubiPOP, and what we learn from this first project will inform us for the future upgrades in Forrest Walk and Station Walk, so pop down to visit, and please share with us what you think has been done well, and where you think we could do something better. You can complete a short online survey here, which will be available until 5pm on Monday 25 September 2023. You can also let us know your thoughts by emailing

About the project

The City of Subiaco is going through a transformation with evolution in terms of residential options, the commercial sector, retail, entertainment, leisure and recreation. Extensive public engagement for the City of Subiaco Place Plan 2019-2022 showed that the community wants more:

  • Places to sit and connect
  • Playful moments
  • Activation and vibrancy in the town centre.

The City of Subiaco is committed to implementing this feedback through improving the spaces at Postal Walk, Forrest Walk and the newly named Station Walk - the plaza directly to the north of Subiaco Train Station. Collectively, these improvements make up the SubiPOP (Public Open Places) Public Realm Upgrade.

This project will transform these spaces into welcoming meeting places for the community, creating new places for people to connect and allowing the City to better deliver programming and events. The upgrades will address the broader precinct and connect key facets along Rokeby Road.

In Postal Walk, these upgrades have included:

  • levelling paving to improve pedestrian safety.
  • building of a deck around the existing mature tree to provide better aeration to its roots and optimise water retention opportunities, and to improve the walkability and usability of the space. This has capacity to host small performances and entertainment, complete with electrical connection capacities.
  • Refreshment of existing planting beds.
  • Installation of additional plantings.
  • Installation of catenary lighting to improve the night time use of the space.
  • Upgrade of existing drainage.

How can I be involved?

Early last year we showed you concept documents and artist impressions, and received your feedback through a SurveyMonkey survey (now closed). We have taken this feedback on board throughout our design process and are so excited to see it come to life. Please join us in supporting our local businesses by exploring the newly opened space, and provide us your feedback on the upgrade by taking a short survey here, which is open until 5pm Monday 22 September, or by emailing so that we can take those learnings on to our future projects.

A public space is not complete without the public. Now that upgrades are complete, we want to activate the space with events, small performances and activities. We would love to hear about what you would like to see happen in this new space so please let us know your ideas to bring this space to life. To help you brainstorm, consider that the space includes night time lighting, a small deck with capacity to connect to power, and is bordered by family friendly businesses serving a variety of amazing food and drink.

You can provide your feedback or ideas by emailing the Place team at

You can also ask a question or provide your feedback by email to or by mail addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Subiaco, PO Box 270, Subiaco WA 6904.

For more information

If you would like further information, please email or call 9237 9222.

At the City of Subiaco we encourage community involvement to help inform our decision making and part of that is providing feedback on projects that we implement.

Early last year we invited you to consult in the design development of a SubiPOP Public Realm Upgrade in Postal Walk. We are pleased to announce that we have now completed the construction of the final design.

This is the first of three public realms which have been identified for upgrade as part of SubiPOP, and what we learn from this first project will inform us for the future upgrades in Forrest Walk and Station Walk, so pop down to visit, and please share with us what you think has been done well, and where you think we could do something better. You can complete a short online survey here, which will be available until 5pm on Monday 25 September 2023. You can also let us know your thoughts by emailing

About the project

The City of Subiaco is going through a transformation with evolution in terms of residential options, the commercial sector, retail, entertainment, leisure and recreation. Extensive public engagement for the City of Subiaco Place Plan 2019-2022 showed that the community wants more:

  • Places to sit and connect
  • Playful moments
  • Activation and vibrancy in the town centre.

The City of Subiaco is committed to implementing this feedback through improving the spaces at Postal Walk, Forrest Walk and the newly named Station Walk - the plaza directly to the north of Subiaco Train Station. Collectively, these improvements make up the SubiPOP (Public Open Places) Public Realm Upgrade.

This project will transform these spaces into welcoming meeting places for the community, creating new places for people to connect and allowing the City to better deliver programming and events. The upgrades will address the broader precinct and connect key facets along Rokeby Road.

In Postal Walk, these upgrades have included:

  • levelling paving to improve pedestrian safety.
  • building of a deck around the existing mature tree to provide better aeration to its roots and optimise water retention opportunities, and to improve the walkability and usability of the space. This has capacity to host small performances and entertainment, complete with electrical connection capacities.
  • Refreshment of existing planting beds.
  • Installation of additional plantings.
  • Installation of catenary lighting to improve the night time use of the space.
  • Upgrade of existing drainage.

How can I be involved?

Early last year we showed you concept documents and artist impressions, and received your feedback through a SurveyMonkey survey (now closed). We have taken this feedback on board throughout our design process and are so excited to see it come to life. Please join us in supporting our local businesses by exploring the newly opened space, and provide us your feedback on the upgrade by taking a short survey here, which is open until 5pm Monday 22 September, or by emailing so that we can take those learnings on to our future projects.

A public space is not complete without the public. Now that upgrades are complete, we want to activate the space with events, small performances and activities. We would love to hear about what you would like to see happen in this new space so please let us know your ideas to bring this space to life. To help you brainstorm, consider that the space includes night time lighting, a small deck with capacity to connect to power, and is bordered by family friendly businesses serving a variety of amazing food and drink.

You can provide your feedback or ideas by emailing the Place team at

You can also ask a question or provide your feedback by email to or by mail addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Subiaco, PO Box 270, Subiaco WA 6904.

For more information

If you would like further information, please email or call 9237 9222.

  • New public art at upgraded Postal Walk

    Share New public art at upgraded Postal Walk on Facebook Share New public art at upgraded Postal Walk on Twitter Share New public art at upgraded Postal Walk on Linkedin Email New public art at upgraded Postal Walk link

    As part of the recent upgrades to Postal Walk, two new artworks – the arches at the eastern end of the space and the gates to the south – were commissioned for the site to celebrate the important role the former Postmaster-General’s Office and its descendent organisations have played in keeping Subiaco connected to the world.

    Postal Walk is now officially open, so come down to see the new space, view the artworks and explore local businesses. Read more here.

  • Postal Walk an example of good partnerships.

    Share Postal Walk an example of good partnerships. on Facebook Share Postal Walk an example of good partnerships. on Twitter Share Postal Walk an example of good partnerships. on Linkedin Email Postal Walk an example of good partnerships. link

    The Postal Walk upgrades have been made possible thanks to the financial support of the RAC's ReconnectWA program. ReconnectWA seeks to reimagine and revitalise streets and public spaces, laying the foundation to support safe, sustainable, and connected communities.

    Through this initiative places where Western Australians can interact and reconnect with each other are created. Postal Walk is one of several projects throughout the Town Centre as a response to a need to enhance the public realm and provide additional space for the community to sit and connect.

    The support of RAC has enabled us to deliver these upgrades to the community, and we are grateful for their financial support. These upgrades will bring significant improvements to the area, including enhanced pedestrian access, improved lighting, and new landscaping, creating a safer and more attractive space for everyone to enjoy.

    We are excited about the positive impact that the Postal Walk upgrades will have on the local community, and we encourage everyone to come and see the improvements once they are complete. Once again, we would like to thank the RAC's ReconnectWA program for their support in making this project a reality.

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  • Announcement: Postal Walk Construction Dates

    Share Announcement: Postal Walk Construction Dates on Facebook Share Announcement: Postal Walk Construction Dates on Twitter Share Announcement: Postal Walk Construction Dates on Linkedin Email Announcement: Postal Walk Construction Dates link

    The City of Subiaco advises that construction work for the Postal Walk upgrades will commence on Wednesday 24 May 2023 and works are expected to last approximately 6 weeks. While pedestrian access between Rokeby Road and the Park St carpark will be maintained, it may be limited during construction period. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and ask that you follow all signage and directions from our construction team.

    We want to reassure the community that all businesses in the area will remain open for trade during the construction period, and we encourage everyone to continue supporting these local businesses.

    We appreciate your patience and cooperation during the construction of the Postal Walk upgrades. The end result will be a safer, more attractive, and more accessible space for everyone to enjoy. We look forward to unveiling the completed upgrades to the community once the construction work is complete.

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  • Contract Awarded for Postal Construction!

    Share Contract Awarded for Postal Construction! on Facebook Share Contract Awarded for Postal Construction! on Twitter Share Contract Awarded for Postal Construction! on Linkedin Email Contract Awarded for Postal Construction! link

    The City of Subiaco is pleased to announce that it has finalized the contracts for the construction of the Postal Walk upgrades with BOS Civil, a renowned construction company known for its commitment to quality and excellence.

    BOS Civil has a proven track record of delivering outstanding construction projects, with a focus on meeting deadlines, ensuring quality workmanship, and providing excellent customer service. The company's team of experienced professionals will bring their expertise to the Postal Walk upgrades, ensuring that the project is completed to the highest standard.

    The Postal Walk upgrades will bring significant improvements to the area, including enhanced pedestrian access, improved lighting, and new landscaping. These upgrades will create a safer, more attractive, and more accessible environment for the community to enjoy.

    The City of Subiaco is excited to work with BOS Civil on this project, and we look forward to seeing the results of their hard work. We are confident that the Postal Walk upgrades will make a positive impact on the local community, and we encourage everyone to come and see the improvements once they are complete.

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  • First SubiPOP public space upgrade to commence in 2023

    Share First SubiPOP public space upgrade to commence in 2023 on Facebook Share First SubiPOP public space upgrade to commence in 2023 on Twitter Share First SubiPOP public space upgrade to commence in 2023 on Linkedin Email First SubiPOP public space upgrade to commence in 2023 link

    The first of the SubiPOP (Public Open Places) public realm upgrades will commence 24 May 2023, after Council awarded the construction contract for Postal Walk at its November 2022 meeting.

    Postal Walk is the first component of initiatives being undertaken to improve the public realm in and around Rokeby Road.

    The design improvements include a large deck to protect the root system of the extant Ghost Gum (Corymbia aparrerinja), re-treatment of the four existing planter boxes, installation of new garden beds with native plantings, new lighting and replacement paving.

    You can read more on the City's website.

  • SubiPOP Public Realm Upgrade

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    Project status

    Postal Walk
    Concept design - Complete
    Detailed design - Complete
    Construction - Commencing 24 May 2023, to be completed by mid-2023

    Forrest Walk
    Concept design - Complete
    Detailed design - Final stages
    Construction - To be confirmed

    Station Walk
    Concept design - Complete
    Detailed design - Final stages
    Construction - To be confirmed

    Project objectives

    The SubiPOP Public Realm Upgrade will create shared pedestrian focussed spaces across these sites that address community needs, provide opportunity for greater community connection, have the ability to host events and community activities, and that enhance connection and walkability between spaces. Following are the key aspects of the project that are being implemented:

    • Enhancing public seating opportunities
    • Enhancing alfresco dining opportunities
    • Renewing surface treatments, pavement and pathways
    • Improving levels and drainage
    • Conserving and retaining treescapes
    • Providing new softscapes including trees and underplanting
    • Improving amenity and accessibility
    • Installing lighting and electrical treatments
    • Creating spaces for events and community activities

    For more information please see the City's website.

  • POP by to have your say about open spaces

    Share POP by to have your say about open spaces on Facebook Share POP by to have your say about open spaces on Twitter Share POP by to have your say about open spaces on Linkedin Email POP by to have your say about open spaces link

    If you’ve been looking for additional open spaces in Subiaco to sit, relax, eat lunch or meet up with friends, you’ll love what is planned for the Subi POP (Public Open Places) upgrade program. Read more here.

Page last updated: 30 Jan 2025, 06:14 PM