Subi Greenwalks
Inspired by Subiaco’s rich history and European heritage, Subi Greenwalks explores and animates the fine-grain of Subiaco’s high-street through upgrades across a suite of smaller laneways and pedestrian routes.
Walmsley Lane pilot project
The first of these upgrades is the installation in Walmsley Lane. Walmsley Lane connects Rokeby Road with nearby parking and local businesses, running east off Rokeby Road, between Churchill Avenue and Barker Road.
Through integration of lighting , public art, curated gardenscapes and seating opportunities, this upgrade aims to:
- improve the walkability experience for pedestrians
- support the night time economy by increasing sense of safety for patrons moving to and from Rokeby Road to carparks
- increase canopy coverage and stormwater retention
- enhance the village atmosphere of Subiaco.
Walmsley Lane upgrade features:
- Walmsley Windows - public art project
- vertical and overhead vines
- oversized pots, leafy shrubs, cascading creepers
- catenary (overhead suspended) lighting
- enhanced public seating opportunities
- removal of redundant infrastructure including bollards.
Have your say
Once you have visited the newly enhanced Walmsley Lane Greenwalks project, we would love to hear from you.
- You can let us know your feedback about the upgrade via our online survey.
- You can also let us know your ideas about future Subi Greenwalks projects by dropping a pin on our project map here.
Feedback closed Sunday 22 October 2023.
Subi Greenwalks ideas map
Greenwalks is about injecting life into Subiaco's laneways, and that means plants but it also means people – we would like to know what sort of installations would make you more likely to use or hang out in a laneway.
Please drop a pin on our map to let us know your ideas and where you would like to see a Greenwalks transformation.
To drop a pin: press the + key and drag the pin to your location.
Please note: your nominated screen name and comment will be publicly displayed on the map (but not your email).