What is economic development?

    Economic development is a broad and encompassing term. In its broadest sense it can be defined as Local Government, the private and not-for-profit sectors, and the local community working together to increase an area’s level of income and capital, and in turn distributing that wealth throughout the community through local expenditure and job creation. The outcome of this is a sustainable increase in the standard of living for the community and the area as a whole. This creates a positive feedback loop, as the greater the standard of living of an area, the greater amount of investment it will receive, the wealth generated is then distributed for further betterment of the community.

    Who is responsible for carrying out the actions in the strategy?

    Many stakeholders will contribute to the implementation of the strategy, including the City of Subiaco, the local business community, local business organisations, other government agencies and the wider community.

    To provide strategic oversight of the project, an internal 'Taskforce' was formed. The Economic Development Strategy Taskforce comprises of three elected member who are responsible for leading the strategy renewal process.

    How does the renewal of the Economic Development Strategy align with the City's Strategic Community Plan?

    Creating the Economic Development Strategy is a key action in delivering the City’s 2017-2027 Strategic Community Plan, as outlined below:

    Focus area three: Subiaco as a destination

    Objective two: To develop the economic sustainability of our city.



    Community outcomes

    Who will contribute


    Attract and retain a diverse range of businesses.

    Encourage and develop projects that create and support a diverse range of hospitality and retail venues, both indoors and outdoors. 

    Identify opportunities that attract and retain creativity and knowledge-based investments across the city.

    • City of Subiaco
    • Business community 
    • Community 
    • Community organisations and groups 
    • Event organisers 
    • State government agencies


    Support community led business groups to drive the vibrancy of neighbourhood centres.

    A thriving economy, increased visitation and an enhanced atmosphere.

    • City of Subiaco 
    • Community 
    • Business community 
    • Community organisations and groups 


    Advocate for living, working and playing in the city.

    A connected and accessible city that supports innovation. 

    A safe and vibrant night-time economy.

    • City of Subiaco 
    • Community 
    • Business community 
    • Community organisations and groups 
    • State government agencies


    Take an advocacy role in issues that affect the city.

    Local businesses and residents are supported. 

    Work with key stakeholders to develop an outcome for the Subiaco Oval and Princess Margaret Hospital precincts in the best interests of the community.

    • City of Subiaco 
    • Community 
    • Business community 
    • Community organisations and groups 
    • State government agencies

    Who can I contact about this project?

    Any questions you have regarding the renewal of the City's Economic Development Strategy should be referred to the Senior Economic Development Officer, Kate Foster on the contact details below:

    Phone: (08) 9237 9341

    Email: ecodev@subiaco.wa.gov.au 

    Why is the City renewing the Economic Development Strategy

    The City's previous Economic Development Strategy expired in 2021.

    While it is not uncommon for these strategies to lapse, at the July 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council resolved to renew the City's Economic Development Strategy.

    When will the strategy renewal be complete?

    Once drafted, the Economic Development Strategy will be reviewed by the City of Subiaco’s Economic Development team, and Council’s Economic Development Strategy Taskforce. 

    Following their review, a final version of the Strategy will be presented to Council for endorsement and adoption. We expect that Council will consider the Strategy in late 2024.

    How will my feedback be considered?

    Community and business feedback will be vital in making sure that the Economic Development Strategy meets the needs and expectations of local people. 

    All the feedback received through this process will be considered by the City of Subiaco alongside:

    • input from representatives of Subiaco- and Perth-based businesses 
    • advice from industry groups, peak bodies and State and Federal Government
    • technical analysis completed by economists using local, regional, state and national data, trends, reports and forecasts.