- The preparation of the draft LDP will be informed by preliminary engagement with stakeholders including landowners, businesses and nearby local residents.
- Initial phone or face-to-face meetings will explain the project and provide an opportunity for key stakeholders to share any initial thoughts.
- Two focus group workshops will be held in early 2023 with landowners and businesses within the Precinct. The focus groups will explore a vision, design concept, and movement network.
- In early 2023 the wider community will also have the opportunity to contribute to the vision and design concept through two drop-in sessions held in the Crossways Shopping Centre foyer, in addition to a community survey.
- Once the draft LDP has been prepared it will be advertised for formal public consultation. Feedback on the draft LDP will shape the final document.
- This depends on your connection to the Coles/Crossways Precinct, so the LDP could affect different people in different ways.
- The LDP will have an impact on development within the Precinct. This might include:
- the height of buildings;
- their setbacks from boundaries; and
- the combination of land uses that make up each building. - The plan will also consider the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and cars through the Precinct.
- However it should be noted that the LDP does not guarantee immediate development. It is a long-term plan to facilitate the community’s vision for the Precinct.
- Once the City has adopted the LDP, it prevails over the SACP to the extent of any inconsistency.
- The LDP provides a localised response to how development can be coordinated within the precinct to achieve community benefits, such as consolidated movement network and vehicle access points, pedestrian and cyclist friendly space, and an activated public realm.
- You can read the Subiaco Activity Centre Plan here (37MB).
- The LDP has to be read in conjunction with the R-Codes Volume 2.
- The LDP proposes to amend or replace specific aspects of the R-Codes Volume 2 to respond to the local context relevant to the Coles/Crossways Precinct.
- The LDP provides that relevant provisions of the R-Codes apply to all development, including residential, mixed use and non-residential development. This ensures consistency across the precinct for matters such as façade design, public domain interface, landscaping etc.
- The approval of the Western Australian Planning Commission is needed for some of the matters proposed to be amended. Approval will be sought after the draft LDP has been advertised for public comment and endorsed by Council.
- Part of the Rokeby Road and Hay Street Heritage Area is located within the Precinct. The heritage area is currently being reviewed and the findings of the review will inform the preparation of the LDP, ensuring any proposals are sympathetic to the local heritage buildings in and adjacent to the Precinct.
- The City is undertaking public realm upgrades to the Postal Walk pedestrian zone, which is located within the Precinct.
- The upgrades are proposed to commence in early 2023. The LDP will be prepared with due regard to these upgrades.
- The upgrades will help contribute to the Coles/Crossways Precinct becoming a shared space with rich public realm facets, including a pleasant environment with seating, shade, trees, and public art.
- Further information on the SubiPOP Postal Walk upgrades are available here.
- Survey: take part in a survey via the City’s online consultation hub at www.haveyoursay.subiaco.wa.gov.au. The survey opens on Monday 9 January 2023 and will run online until 5pm on Thursday 9 February 2023.
- Email: you can provide your feedback on what you’d like to see in the LDP by emailing the City of Subiaco at city@subiaco.wa.gov.au with ‘Coles and Crossways Precinct’ in the subject line. Please include your full name and address and ensure your submission reaches us by 5pm on 9 February 2023.
- Drop-in sessions: you’re also invited to attend one of three drop-in sessions where you can share your views on the future of the Coles and Crossways Precinct.
These sessions will take place in the foyer of the Crossways Shopping Centre on the following dates and times: - Consultation taking place from January to March 2023 for the Coles/Crossways Precinct LDP is only the preliminary phase and the draft LDP has not yet been prepared.
- Once prepared, the draft LDP will be considered by Council. After that the draft LDP will be formally advertised for community feedback.
- The draft document will then be reviewed based on the submissions and comments received, and modifications and refinements can be made.
- The final draft LDP will be referred to Council for adoption at a future Council Meeting; Council can adopt the draft LDP with or without further changes, or not adopt the draft document.
- If required, the City will seek approval from the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) if any proposed amendments to the R-Codes require State Government approval following Council endorsement of the draft LDP.
- Once WAPC approval has been obtained and Council has approved the LDP, a notice will be published in a local newspaper at which time the LDP will become operational.
- You can get in touch:
- by email: city@subiaco.wa.gov.au or
- call 9327 9222 to ask questions or to organise an appointment.
What areas will the Coles/Crossways Precinct Local Development Plan (LDP) cover?
The Coles/Crossways Precinct is located at the prominent intersections of Rokeby Road with Bagot Road, Park Street/Post Office Walk and Barker Road within the Subiaco town centre. See image below.
What is the draft Local Development Plan, and where does it fit within the Planning Framework?
An LDP is a planning instrument that guides what type of development may be appropriate within the Precinct. It does not require a landowner to redevelop their land and does not guarantee any change will happen immediately.
Note: The draft LDP has been prepared in a manner that is consistent with the State Government’s Precinct Design Guidelines (SPP 7.2).
How can the community contribute to the preparation of the LDP?
How could the Local Development Plan (LDP) affect me?
How does the Local Development Plan (LDP) relate to the Subiaco Activity Centre Plan (SACP)?
How does the Local Development Plan (LDP) relate to the R-Codes Volume 2?
How does the Local Development Plan (LDP) respond to the nearby heritage listed buildings?
How will the LDP interact with the SubiPOP Postal Walk upgrades planned for the Precinct?
How do I contribute my views to inform the draft Local Development Plan?
At the City of Subiaco we encourage community involvement to help inform our decision making.
We want to hear from you and there are different ways you can be involved. Your feedback will be used to help shape the LDP.
- Friday 3 February, from 4 to 6pm
- Tuesday 21 February, from 10am to 12noon
- Thursday 9 March, from 5pm to 7pm
What happens next?
How will the Local Development Plan be implemented?
If Council adopts the draft Local Development Plan, any development applications received will be assessed against the Local Development Plan.
Who can I contact if I’d like further information?