Coles and Crossways Precinct Local Development Plan
The draft Coles/Crossways Precinct Local Development Plan (LDP) was presented to Council at the 25 July 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting to consider progressing the LDP to public advertising. Council did not make a resolution with regard to the draft LDP and the project is now on hold until such time that Council provides direction on how to proceed into the future.
The Coles/Crossways precinct is earmarked as a landmark redevelopment site in the City of Subiaco (shown in the orange boundary area in the map below). In May 2022, Council resolved to prepare a Local Development Plan to guide any future redevelopment to a scale and context appropriate for the site. The precinct is an important area within the Subiaco Town Centre connecting the northern and southern sections of Rokeby Road.

The City is preparing a Local Development Plan that will guide the development of this area over time. A Local Development Plan is a planning instrument that guides what type of development may be appropriate within the Precinct. It does not require a landowner to redevelop their land, and does not guarantee any change will happen immediately.
To inform the Local Development Plan the City has heard from local residents, visitors, businesses and landowners to learn about ideas, values and priorities for this Precinct. Pedestrian access and amenities, vehicle access and parking, landmark buildings and public spaces are among the factors being considered.
As part of the process, the City will also be exploring community amenities as well as possible redevelopment opportunities and preferred uses for the land.
Stage 1 - preliminary consultation
The initial community consultation survey for this project was open online from 9 January until 5pm Thursday 9 February 2023 (this survey is now closed).
The City also invited the community to attend one of three drop-in sessions to share views on the future of the Coles and Crossways Precinct. These sessions took place in the foyer of the Crossways Shopping Centre on the following dates and times:
• Friday 3 February (4 to 6pm)
• Tuesday 21 February (10am to 12noon)
• Thursday 9 March (5pm to 7pm)
On hold – this page will be updated once the City staff is advised by Council on how to proceed with the draft LDP
For queries, please contact with 'Coles and Crossways Precinct' in the subject line.
Please ensure you include your name, address, phone number and email address.